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Thanksgiving Break

Birnham Woods Elementary 31150 Birnham Woods, Spring, TX, United States

No School. We hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving Break! See you back at school on December 2nd.

PTO General Meeting – December

Birnham Woods Elementary 31150 Birnham Woods, Spring, TX, United States

Get involved with Birnham Woods PTO by attending the monthly board meeting. We will be going over the upcoming events, asking for volunteers and reviewing past events successes.

Woodson’s Spirit Night

Woodson's 4127 Riley Fuzzel Rd Suite 100, Spring, TX, United States

Early Release

Birnham Woods Elementary 31150 Birnham Woods, Spring, TX, United States

Early release for the holidays! Please pick up your children at 12:10 p.m. to start the holiday break!

Holiday Break

Birnham Woods Elementary 31150 Birnham Woods, Spring, TX, United States

Enjoy your holidays! We'll see you in 2025!

Staff Workday

Birnham Woods Elementary 31150 Birnham Woods, Spring, TX, United States

Staff workday. No school for students.

Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

Birnham Woods Elementary 31150 Birnham Woods, Spring, TX, United States

Thank you to all of the men and women in law enforcement! We appreciate all you to keep us safe on a daily basis!

PTO General Meeting – January

Birnham Woods Elementary 31150 Birnham Woods, Spring, TX, United States

Get involved with Birnham Woods PTO by attending the monthly board meeting. We will be going over the upcoming events, asking for volunteers and reviewing past events successes.

Boys & Bikes

Birnham Woods Elementary 31150 Birnham Woods, Spring, TX, United States

All BWE boys and any accompanying adult (18 years or older) are invited to "Boys and Bikes" BMX show! Tickets will go on sale in January 2025. All attendees will […]

School Holiday

Birnham Woods Elementary 31150 Birnham Woods, Spring, TX, United States

No school today! Enjoy your day off of school!

Father/Daughter Dance

Birnham Woods Elementary 31150 Birnham Woods, Spring, TX, United States

Dust of your boots and get ready for a Hoedown! The annual Father/Daughter Dance is going to be held at Birnham Woods Elementary School from 6-8pm on February 1st, 2025. […]